Delta Plastics' Irrigation Resource Division provides reliable technical information and extensive, informed analysis to maximize the effectiveness of your farm's irrigation water. Our expertise and on-farm knowledge allow us to provide the assistance you need to make the best selections for your irrigation and energy management needs.

Our specialists are dedicated to working directly with you to develop personalized practical solutions that can increase your profits AND conserve natural resources.

Crop Irrigation

Links to Extension Services:

Farm Bureaus

Recycling Organizations

Industry Organizations


Document Links


Flow Capacity

Characteristics Flow Capacity (GPM) Characteristics Flow Capacity (GPM) (220 KB)

Flow Estimates for Holes - (CFM) Flow Estimates for Holes - (CFS) (429 KB)

Flow Estimates for Holes - (GPM) Flow Estimates for Holes - (GPM) (442 KB)

Flow Estimates for Holes - (GPM) Estimating Acres (CFS)

Flow Estimates for Holes - (GPM) Estimating Acres (GPM)

Other Documents

Polytube Issues and Tips Polytube Issues and Tips (485 KB)

PVC Underground Irrigation Pipe Sizing Cost for PVC Pipe Friction Loss (298 KB)

Estimating and Comparing Pumping Costs Calculating & Comparing Irrigation Pumping Cost (316 KB)